
Using Multiple AWS Credential Files for Elastic Beanstalk

At Cinevee, we are developing several forks of our distribution platform for each of our partners. This means we deploy to a different environment in a different AWS account (with differing credentials) for each fork. Re-initializing Elastic Beanstalk eb init before you git aws.push can get annoying when you are switching back forth between projects a dozen times a day (we’re quite agile). So here’s a quick way to setup and switch between your AWS credential files per project.
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Fixing the Elastic Beanstalk application version error

If you’re using the Amazon Web Service CLI tools to push new version of your Elastic Beanstalk application you might eventually run into the following error:

remote: error: Unable to create application version:
Invalid unicode xml character in CreateApplicationVersionMessage.Description at index 13


! [remote rejected] HEAD -> master (hook declined)

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